Reap the Benefits of the Polo Tee for Work and Play

Polo tees are beginning to take over the workplace as well as the playing fields and courts of the world. These simple, short-sleeved collared shorts were revolutionary when they were first invented back in the 1920s by Rene Lacoste. They were also an immediate hit in later years when Lacoste formed a clothing company and started marketing them to the general public. 

Lacoste invented the polo tee as a welcome alternative to the stuffy and restrictive tennis fashions of the time. Men typically wore a traditional uniform of white long-sleeve trousers and a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a buttoned collar. Lacoste found the shirt particularly uncomfortable and unveiled his new creation at the 1926 U.S. Open championship.  

The players of other sports saw the much preferable polo tee and started wearing it in their own sports. Polo was one sport that embraced the shirt so completely that a shirt created by a tennis player for the tennis court ended up being called a “polo shirt” by the entire world. Polo players needed unrestricted arm movement to swing their mallets with precision, and what became the polo shirt fit their requirements perfectly. 

Specialties of the Polo Tee Design

The design of the polo shirt was unique and designed to appeal to the more conservative enforcers of the rules and decorum of tennis as well as provide more freedom for the players themselves. The biggest departure from the previously worn dress shirt was the short sleeves. The shirt still had a collar that could be buttoned up to provide a smart and formal look. 

Another innovation was the longer tail of the shirt in back. When a tennis player was in the heat of a match and reaching for a shot, the tails of the dress shirt often became untucked. By providing the longer tail in back, the shirt prevented this from happening as much and provided a neater appearance when on the court. The powers-that-be in the tennis world grudgingly approved the shirt for tournament play, and the polo shirt era was born. 

Polo Shirts Are Adaptable and Comfortable

Two of the biggest attractive elements of the polo shirt is their comfort and their adaptability. Soon after the shirt was released to the public, women’s polo shirts hit the market, and these were an immediate success as well. 

The shirt is comfortable in the hot and humid weather of Malaysia. Its roomy cut and soft blended cotton weave make it an ideal garment for the tropical environment. Many polo shirts are also made with a double-knit weave that provides a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance without the need for ironing. 

But the best part is the shirt’s acceptance in both the business offices and the playing fields and courts of the world. This truly is a multi-purpose garment for the new millennium.  

Why not enjoy the comfort and versatility of polo shirts by browsing the Polohaus website for your favourite colours and styles? We guarantee you won’t regret your decision to upgrade your wardrobe.    

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