How To Find Cancer Early?

Detecting Cancer – screening could increase chance of early treatment. Some cancers can be found early, before they have had a chance to grow and spread. How you can learn more about the screening tests for tumors and cancer in Thailand, the lab test tumors and cancers can be found early and we believe that many people can be saved.

Aking the test is easy but not everyone qualifies

The Screening Test uses the immune system to detect tumours and cancer

It is a necessary condition that the patient has an intact immune system that is not influenced by medication, treatment or illness

Please note that you can not take the test if you are:

  1. taking anti-rheumatic medication, steroidal and non steroidal corticoids
  2. taking cortisone, methrotrexate, GM-CSF or amygdalin
  3. receiving steroids, chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  4. currently being treated for an auto-immune disease
  5. or had any surgery within the past 8 weeks

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many elective procedures being put on hold, and this has led to a substantial decline in cancer screening. Health care facilities are providing cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic with many safety precautions in place.

Learn how you can talk to your doctor and labs and what steps you can take to plan, schedule, and get your regular cancer screenings

In Thailand, you may check out service at RV Lab is part of R&V Intertrade Co., Ltd.

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